Michael Stonis

Aaron Feaver

Michael Stonis
Aaron Feaver

Tell us where you're from and how you got into photography.
I'm from all over but I live in Los Angeles at the moment. I moved her from Portland, Oregon about 5 years ago. I got into photography in college, when I worked at a little mom 'n pop camera shop. I never saw it as something I'd like to do full time until a couple of years ago when I started photographing people.

How would you describe your work?
As much as I hate to pigeonhole myself, I think I lean pretty heavily on natural light and pretty outdoor settings. I love challenging myself, though…trying things that I don't know how to do.

Your works seems to have a very natural feel to it. How are you on set and what do you do to make sure things don't look forced?
I try to do as little as possible to get the shot I want. Also I think it's important to make sure everyone knows what we're trying to get and we're all on the same page.

Where has your work been published?
I've had photos in Foam magazine and Kinki, and a few online magazines.

What is typically in your camera bag?
Lately it's a Canon A2 for 35mm and a 5D Mk II for digital. I also use a Pentax 67 a lot, for medium format, and a Polaroid 680 and Fuji Instax 500AF for instant.

Do you prefer digital or film? Why?
If time and money were no object I'd use film most of the time, but I'm learning to love digital.

Who are some of your influences in photography?
Paolo Roversi, Deborah Turbeville, Peter Lindbergh.

Who is one photographer you would suggest our viewers check out?
Bruno Dayan

Did you go to photography school?
No, I was an English major in college.

What's your take on new photographers going to school for photography?
I don't think you need to study photography, but it's always nice to have easy access to a darkroom and to be forced to do work.

What do you have planned for the near future? Any projects?
I always have a few projects going on. Right now I'm editing down a couple of recent magazine shoots.

Thanks Aaron!
